Back in business, guess you gotta read this blog again. I received some negative feedback for the first time in the history of this blog (and possibly my entire awesome life). Apparently it is not a good idea for me to get too emotional or nostalgic with my blog. Admittedly I probably could've done better than a timeline of my Thanksgiving, but I have prepared a brief defense. Number one, Thanksgiving was awesome and reliving it one more time was the least I could do for the honorable holiday after all it has done for mankind. And second, the turkey still hadn't quite worn off and I was feeling a bit lazy to tell you the truth. My bad for being human, it happens to the best of us.
Anyway, this week I'm back in full force and I'm a little bit angry to tell you the truth. I don't know if you've heard, but Tiger Woods has been in the news just a couple times over the past week or so. Show of hands for everyone who knew that...anyone? I guess I'm the only one who noticed, because I saw zero hands go up. Oh well, you'll probably catch it sooner or later. Here's my take on the situation. Tiger Woods leaves his house at 1 in the morning. He crashes into a fire hydrant backing down his driveway. Then he inexplicably continues to back up, eventually introducing his car to a tree. Now, if my physics class taught me anything, a car that
backs up into a tree will have the rear part of the car obstructed by said tree. However, the early story was that Wood's wife just happened to be on hand, at 1 in the morning mind you, to smash the back window of the car and drag good ol' Tiger out onto the driveway. One problem...if the car backed up into several objects, the back of the car probably looked like the below picture, leaving no need to smash any window. Plus, I'm guessing the driver side door was probably unlocked, but that would be the smart option, and nothing in this situation could be confused with a smart idea.

I'm going to take a quick second to relay one of the greatest jokes I have heard in a long time. This was completely off the cuff and unintended by one of my group members, making it all the more awesome. "I really appreciate the irony of Tiger Woods' wife using a golf club to get him out of the car."
Ok, maybe it's just my kind of humor but I thought that was awesome. Anyway, there's more to this story than that. This is like a fricking soap opera. And I hate soap operas. The media will run a breaking news headline for anything coming out of this. And I mean
anything. For instance, I'm watching ESPN and on the bottom line, in the middle of the college basketball scores, runs a headline that went something like this: Tiger Woods found at fault for car accident and receives a citation. COME ON! It's a one car accident. Middle of the night. Who the hell else are you going to give the citation to? The fire hydrant? The tree? It had better not be the tree, it is the only thing/person that acted sensibly in the situation. Seriously, it stopped Tiger from backing into his neighbor's houses, schools, children's hospitals, nunneries, and pretty much everything else that you can ram an Escalade into because the fire hydrant sure as hell didn't. But come on, I'd rather see NHL scores than learn about the mundane details of Tiger's driving history.
Lastly, there's this whole deal with Tiger's mother or mother-in-law or some random old lady who went to the hospital on Tuesday. The events aren't even related! Am I talking crazy here? This got bottom line coverage, had stories written about it everywhere, and had absolutely zero impact on anything ever besides Tiger's personal life. Sometimes I hate the media. No offense to my brother who is a part of said media.
Now that that's off my chest, I can turn to the sporting world, which wasn't very exciting but saw the Syracuse Orange beat Maine 101-55 (my favorite player, Kris Joseph, scored 14 points and had many an emphatic slam dunk). Oh and by the way, the score at halftime of this one was 60-12. Syracuse 60, Maine 12. I will now pause for effect. Done pausing. That kind of score should not be welcome in any sport. I want nothing less than to insult Syracuse, I just think we're taking it a bit far with scheduling easy opponents. Let's see some games where the other team gets within 30...could be fun, right?
Additionally, my Broncos won 44-13 over the Chiefs. I was watching the play-by-play on my computer and I have to admit, the digital representation of the Broncos' statistics looked good. Here's a breakdown of the first few possessions of the second half for the Chiefs: turnover on downs, interception, interception, punt, fumble recovery for a touchdown. Besides that punt, the only time the ball was in Broncos territory was when Denver was kicking off after scoring. Man that was a sweet game. I haven't seen that kind of domination since
Jose Canseco fought Hong Man Choi. Just skip to like 1:00, 1:10 and you'll see what I mean.
I just love the opportunity to make fun of Jose Canseco like that. He's an idiot. Oh well, despite all appearences, no I don't count the Tiger Woods thing as a sports story, so this wasn't a hundred percent about sports. Seriously, Tiger has so much drama he's turning into a chick flick. A chick flick where the hero offers his wife $60 million in a revision of the prenup to stay married to him for two more years. Just sayin.