Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yep. That just happened.

The Spaghetti Monster aka Da'Mon Merkerson aka Syracuse's new #1 receiver

I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous for this has to be top notch. Judging from the feedback I've received recently, the pressure is on for an amazing, world-changing, meaning-of-life-revealing blog. This past week I received an overwhelming amount of negative comments outnumbering the total number of such remarks for the entire history of this blog (one person who didn't like me making fun of DJ Hero). I also have gotten a huge amount of people who tell me that they're really looking forward to this edition of Reflexions (also one person). So I can tell my global audience (which is at least two people) that I have put an awful lot of thought into this week's post. I've got a lot to say, and I don't know how long your attention spans are, so I'll get crackalacking.

To put it lightly, being a Syracuse sports fan right now is like being repeatedly punched in the stomach and then having a nuclear holocaust. Ok, I made that up, it probably isn't that bad. But it is pretty darn close. Let's take a look at the last four days of Orange. Saturday: Syracuse plays undefeated, #8 in the country Cincinnati. We lose. Obviously. I mean, we played alright from what I saw, but Greg "Hard Work Obviously Doesn't Pay Off For This Guy" Paulus played like...Greg Paulus I guess. He gets booed every time he goes on the field and backup Ryan "I Only Throw 50 Yard Touchdowns" Nassib was cheered every time he goes on the field. Doug Marrone tears up in the post game, saying, "I've never seen an athlete at any level, including the NFL, work as hard mentally and physically as Greg has worked since he's joined us here." You know what, that's fine. But it doesn't mean he should play. An astute friend of mine said that that would be like Rudy Ruettiger starting at middle linebacker for Notre Dame. He works hard, but he doesn't have the talent to compete. To put the frosting on the cake of pain and anguish that Syracuse football has lovingly baked us this year, Mike Williams quit. Yes, the national top 10 receiver who is our offense's only consistent weapon has up and left the team. The story is long and involved, I won't bore you with it here. But long story short, he left voluntarily, wanted to come back, and wasn't allowed by Marrone because he makes everyone on the team hate each other. Ahhh Syracuse at its finest. Oh, and we lost to Division 2 LeMoyne in basketball, just in case anyone was wondering.

Now that that's out of the way, my non-sports readers who are still awake can start paying attention. Halloween was last weekend! Hooray! I think that any topic that could be written about in an angry or funny way has pretty much been done to death at this point...I mean girls using the occasion as an opportunity to dress like, well you know, everyone makes fun of that. No, to be original, I'm going to share with you one of my dreams. Every Halloween, I hope that someone hassles me somehow. I mean, if someone makes fun of my costume, I think I have the perfect comeback. Like they'd say "What are you supposed to be?" And I'd go with "Someone who punches you in the face." And they'd have nothing to say, and to stay true to character I'd follow up by punching them in the face. I mean it's foolproof right? As long as the person I'm talking to has drunk their coordination abilities away by that point.

In one of my classes we're learning about how Boeing's problems in logistics and whatnot have delayed it 3 years in the manufacture of a revolutionary new type of plane, the Dreamliner. Their suppliers don't know what they're doing, they're going bankrupt because Boeing isn't paying them until the plane gets built, and Boeing isn't really being much of a help at all in terms of actually telling them how to build the parts of the plane. However, despite the fact that it's taking more than four times as long to build one Dreamliner (at least 6 years now) than it took to build the Empire State Building (about 15 months), the nice people at Boeing have designed, built, and tested a different plane called the Dreamlifter to transport Dreamliner parts in about three years. Now the Dreamlifter is pretty impressive in and of itself...It's a fricking plane that can carry most of another huge plane inside it! How does it make any sense that Boeing could design the Dreamlifter (0 orders) so quickly when the Dreamliner (600 orders) is being developed about as slowly as a mule in quicksand? I don't understand anything anymore.

One last quick thought before I get to that life-changing moment I promised. You may have heard of the movie 2012 coming out in November right? I get the premise, something I have thought about a lot. The Mayan calendar stops on December 21, 2012 and that's supposedly when the world's going to end. Good idea for a movie, WORST MARKETING EVER!!!! Sorry, I just do not understand in the slightest why this movie is coming out now. Don't know if you'd noticed, it's 2009! Would it really be so hard to wait the 3 years to release it and make that much more money, the movie actually being relevant? Seriously, release the movie on 12/21/12 and it'll be a gold mine. Better yet, do it the day before and watch the theatres sell out as people scramble to watch the movie before they think the world will end. Honestly, if the people who made Friday the 13th movies are smart enough to release their movies on Friday the 13th, why can't 2012 come out in 2012?

Here it is, new outlook on life here we come! I've been doing some thinking. Remember how I said life is like a loogie? I know that was a ways back. Well, I've also decided that life is a lot like America's Got Talent. There are drunks, stupid people, and the token angry British guy judging you. There is a large, fickle group of people yelling at you. Bad things happen to good people, like the people who do flipping dunks through rings of fire not advancing. Villains prosper, like a guy dressing like Shakira and lip syncing advancing. There are people you want to punch, people you cry for, people you root for. There is the ultimate goal at the end that you know you could accomplish if you got the chance. And for some reason Nick Cannon and Jerry Springer are seen as important even though they don't serve any purpose toward furthering humanity.

Well, that's enough deep stuff for me today, hope this wasn't too long for you guys. Quick Tim's team update: THEY ALL LOST. Ok thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The above is a photograph of an actual shirt worn by a Cuse fan to this weekend's game. (Ok, it was me, but how awesome is it?)

Ok I promise I have a really good excuse for the lateness of this post. I had an hour and a half long phone conversation with my best friend. If true friendship isn't a good excuse, I implore you to tell me what is. Oh, and side note, in the midst of this conversation I missed someone else's call. Have you ever been phone tagged by someone you do not know and for all you know have never met? Well I have now, with a phone from my own area code and the person actually said "Tag, you're it" in the voice mail. I do not know what's going on.

Anyways, I'm going to get the really boring stuff out of the way first. Syracuse vs. Akron. I know, I know, Syracuse won and I should be happy, and I am. Greg "I Still Play Poorly" Paulus was pretty much taken out of the game plan, with Cuse running 42 times and calling pass plays 22 times. Paulus was relegated to only throwing to people who were close enough to reach out and touch him. Meanwhile, my boy Supafly Nassib only threw one pass the entire game, a potential 50 yard touchdown dropped by former QB Cody Catalina.

Those statistics aside, I barely even feel like I watched the game because it was so nondescript. Delone Carter got the ball and ran over 3 people pretty much every play, whenever Syracuse lined up in shotgun the snaps went 10 feet over the QB's head, and Akron played awfully. I don't really know why but I kind of sleepwalked through the game. I missed the student section, I'll tell you that much. For some reason parents don't get as worked up over Cuse football as a bunch of beer-swilling, barechested, brightly colored students. So the game was so quiet I could have napped quite comfortably. But we won, and that's the important thing. Way to go Cuse (minus Paulus)!

[Insert fitting segue here] And that brings us to the origin of the rally cap. Who thought that wearing their cap inside out and at a rakish angle (I love the word rakish) could bring their team luck and an improbable comeback? Well I looked into it and here's what I found. I was extremely surprised to find that the inception of this tradition brought about one of the most catastrophic and epic FAILs of all time. In 1986, down 3 games to 2 in the World Series and trailing in the game, the New York Mets all decided to turn their caps inside out in the seventh inning. The fans followed suit. They were playing the Red Sox, who took a 2 run lead in the tenth inning, but we all know what happened after that. The magic of the rally caps let one Bill Buckner make an error that let the Mets win and go on to take the Series the next game.

I had no idea that the rally cap had such an amazing genesis. I was expecting it to be some drunk reliever putting his hat on the wrong way when he was called in to pitch or something. But this is even more awesome. Somehow, though, the rally cap has been forgotten. In baseball games when it is appropriate, very few people bother with it anymore. What I say is this. There are three things you should know about baseball. One: the Cubs will never ever win another World Series. Two: the Twins are the best team ever. And three: rally caps have worked in the past and will work for years to come.

Speaking of things that are great, how about the fact that DJ Hero is very very not a great thing? I've been seeing commercials for it for the past week, and I believe it stands next to Bill Cosby's raps as a sign of the decline of human civilization. Why do we need to pretend to be a DJ in a video game? What does DJ-ing even entail? Is it for the Zoolander-esque situations we all find ourselves in when knowing how to crossfade could save the life of the Malaysian prime minister? I guess we need to wait until the game comes out to find the answers to these pressing questions. Thank God that we don't have to actually pretend to make music anymore, we can pretend to mix music that other pretend people are pretending to make.

Decline of human civilization #2: Horror movies. Seriously, has anyone paid attention to what we call a horror movie anymore? I've taken to reading movie synopses on IMDB and I have to say- people are getting a little deranged because what is horror now is so disturbing. Compare it to 50 years ago. 1954 was Creature From the Black Lagoon, 1958 gave us The Blob, and 1960 was Psycho. A movie made in the last year, Trick R Treat is about people severing heads, a demon child with a pumpkin head, and a schoolbus full of zombie kids who dismember everybody. Saw is about interesting choices-whether to die or inflict some limb severance or maiming on yourself (or another person). The Happening is about people killing themselves in horribly graphic ways. Is the human condition changing so much that to be scared we need to cross the line of sanity so much? I guess the 50's and 60's were a much simpler time when a person dressed up in a monster suit could scare people, but now we need death in increasingly gory and imaginative ways to do it. Maybe I'm just talking crazy here, but the whole horror genre is kind of getting out of control.

Tim's team updates- the Broncos sit at 6-0 after not playing last week, Syracuse football is 3-4 now but it feels like they didn't play. I apologize if this post seemed more like me being angry than me being funny, but it'll be better next week, I promise!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hey guys, nice to see you again! But not really, because if I could see you through this website that would be kind of creepy. So, in the interest of privacy rights that will probably go away in the future, nice to not see you! This week has been pretty eventful sportswise, but I'll try to keep you non-sports addicts entertained.

I'm going to start with the obvious topic on everyone's mind- Syracuse football. I know what you're thinking- "Tim, you talk about that every single week. And there wasn't even a game on Saturday!" Well you may be right. However, the Syracuse football team has delivered a blow that I'm not sure I will be able to recover from. I nearly slipped into a hysterical coma when I saw that Greg Paulus will in fact be starting on Saturday against Akron. After the initial few seconds of fighting off a stroke and a heart attack simultaneously, I had to restrain myself from picking up the nearest heavy object and hurling it at the TV from whence the dreadful news had come (and a good thing I managed to stop myself, the nearest TV smashing object was a person).

I have come to a conclusion about Greg Paulus. He is a T3000 Terminator, sent from the future to destroy the Syracuse football program. Here's my future theory. It's the year 2050. The Syracuse Orange, under the direction of mastermind Doug Marrone, have won the past 35 BCS Championship games. College football has arrived at a crossroads. High school players only want to go to Cuse, and consequentially people can no longer go to watch Syracuse games at the Dome, the reason being that all the seats are taken up by the football team whose roster is now at 55,000 players. This leaves all other major college football programs to recruit from overseas, ending up with mostly confused soccer players who didn't see the "American" part of "American football"on the application, as well as beings from the alien races humans contacted in the late 2020's. By the way, the aliens look like this.

The scientists at Duke University create one last ditch effort to bring Syracuse back to its losing ways. The product of their manufacture is Greg Paulus. At first, selfishness caused Duke to program him to play basketball to help out their team before destroying the Orange. However, Duke's scientists didn't really succeed in this endeavour, the evidence being Paulus's performance for Duke basketball. While being good at basketball may not be Duke's specialty, turning out the worst football players ever is. Duke created the perfect weapon to decimate Syracuse football. He may look like an idiot, but don't be fooled. He has a large arsenal of weapons to make a football team suck. He has his arm that turns into an interception launcher, his legs which churn and churn but never seem to move him away from opposing tacklers, and his hands which are genetically and technologically enhanced to fumble the football with deadly efficiency. Additionally, he seems to have been implanted with some sort of mind control device, rendering Doug Marrone incapable of keeping him from playing. I know what you're thinking now. "Tim, you just blew my mind. That is the only logical explanation for what's been going on." Yes, and all I have to say is: bravo future Duke scientists. Bravo.

That's enough of that. I'm scaring myself with these all too realistic depictions of the future. Let's move on to a lighter subject. So I just saw this and smiled: Bill Cosby is releasing a hip-hop album. Nope, no typo. The lovable Mr. Huxtable is now a rapper. I am absolutely speechless. coherent thoughts come to mind. If you're curious, you can download one of his songs for free here. I think it's about time to come up with a list of events I feel are on par with a disaster of such epic proportions (in no particular order).
  • The Hindenberg
  • William Shatner's album of dramatic readings- The Transformed Man
  • The Detroit Lions 2008-2009 season
  • The Cold War
  • Greg Paulus
The list goes on, but my brain hurts from listening to Bill Cosby telling me that the world needs surgery as a truck horn blares in the background.

I have one more little thing thats been bothering me. Ok, two. But first things first. Why can't the NFL get a not awful system for playing overtime games. For those of you not familiar with it, the NFL uses a coin flip to decide who gets the ball first and then the first team to score wins, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Basketball, baseball, college football, golf, and even unicycle hockey have fair, exciting ways of settling tie scores at the end of regulation. Don't believe me about unicycle hockey? Read section 5.1 and weep! But, the NFL insists on sudden death in such a manner that one team may not even get to touch the ball! The fate of the game hangs on one flip of the coin. What if a Super Bowl goes to overtime and the team that gets the ball first scores? That hardly seems fair that chance decided the most important sporting event in the world. Imagine a coin flip deciding the following events and you'll know where I'm coming from (Yay another list!).
  • World Wars I and II
  • The presidential election
  • Who we blame for 9/11
  • Greg Paulus
I know the last one doesn't make sense, but I really don't like that guy. Seriously, chance sucks, especially when you're on the losing end. Just ask the Patriots who lost to the Broncos in overtime, never getting to touch the ball. That's right, the system benefited the Broncos and I'm arguing against it.

Speaking of which, Tim's team update! Syracuse football- somehow managed not to lose a game in a week in which they did not play. Minnesota Twins- out of the playoffs for the last month or's hard to keep track of time when you don't care about baseball until next season. Denver Broncos- 6-0 baby! Put the hurt on the San Diego Chargers and Phillip Rivers, their QB, who I dislike nearly as much as Greg Paulus. Oh well, that's all for now. Keep on keeping on, and support Ryan "McNabb" Nassib, the true Syracuse quarterback!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You know your computer is broken when...

I regret the fact that this will not be posted until the wee hours of Wednesday morning. My tens of thousands of readers have been setting their calendars by my blog because they placed their undying trust in my pen...keyboard? Well, they trust my amazing wit and dead-on social commentary. And I have failed all of you. I apologize.

Now that that's over with, we can move on to more important news. My computer, as many of you may know, died about a week ago (and I survived on computer labs and my friend's computer-you know who you are). That's actually not accurate. It died repeatedly, coming back to life again and again for short periods of time, giving me false hope that I wouldn't have to get it fixed (like the two cell phones I've flooded in the past that magically healed themselves, but that's another story). But every time I turned it on, it would work for anywhere from five seconds to an hour and then give myself the proverbial slap in the face and the proverbial knee to the groin simultaneously by silently imploding upon itself in a flurry of seizure-inducing lights and a pattern of colors on the screen that I can only describe as the Devil's Safety Blanket. But, thanks to the miracles of modern technology and the ingenuity of humanity in general, my computer was fixed by the school and returned to me ON TIME. That's right. Was not expecting that.

Related sidebar: I ordered a textbook online at the beginning of the semester. August 31 to be exact. The website cheerfully let me know that I could expect it in 5-10 business days. A week went by. No book. I wasn't all that worried because a friend had the same book that I could borrow whenever we had work to do in the class. Another week goes by. No book. I'm starting to get a little worried, as more than 10 business days have passed. I send the following email:

I ordered the Supply Chain textbook 2 1/2 weeks ago and it has not yet arrived. When can I expect my book to get here?

I was asked to provide my order information, which I did immediately. No reply. A third week passes, like the gentle transition from a crisp fall to a silent winter. A gentle transition where no books arrive in the mail. I am still holding out for a reply from my polite email. How naive I was, believing that politeness could bring me my book in the dog eat dog world that is online textbook retailing. A fourth week passes. I got my book! Just kidding, I didn't. I decided to take action though, and sent another email:

I ordered this book on August 31. It has not arrived. There is no tracking number online, so I can only assume that the book has not even been shipped yet. This is unacceptable. If you do not contact me immediately in regards to the status of my order I will demand a full, immediate refund. This is the third email I have sent you. The first one you responded asking for my order information. The second one you ignored completely. Respond immediately.

And wouldn't you know it, I get a response no more than two hours later. As it turns out, the company only pays attention to those who give them a digital equivalent of a tongue lashing. And wouldn't you know it, the day I sent my angreemail, the book had already been delivered to my dorm (I made angreemail up, every time you use it you owe me a dollar). What a hilarious coincidence. But pay attention, here's where this pointlessly long and involved story somewhat has a connection to the blog. I lost all faith in anything using the term "such and such amount of business days." That's why it was such a big shock when my computer was returned on time.

Ok, I realize that this is a subpar blog so far, as much as it is a day late. I'm 0 for 2 so far. Not a good start. Just like the [insert sports team that you like here]. Oh snap, got you bad! Speaking of awful sports teams, the Syracuse Orange football team played possibly the worst half of football that I have ever witnessed in my life. Hooooowever, as you may know, they responded by making the best decision in the history of sports. No, make that the history of forever. Man decides to use fire to cook his food instead of getting salmonella all the time. The American colonies decide to rebel against Britain. Jeno Paulucci invents the pizza roll in 1968 (incidentally, check out the best website ever). All three of these were awesome decisions that I am 100% behind. But Syracuse topped them all on Saturday. It was so amazing that I'm going to tell it to you one word per sentence.

Greg. Paulus. Got Benched!!!!! Sorry, I was so excited I couldn't bear to split the last two words.

That's right. The Greg "A Bounce Pass is an Incompletion?" Paulus Era may just be at an end. Ryan "Supafly" Nassib was inserted as the quarterback after Paulus was 5 for 9 for 30 yards and an INT in the first half. Nassib promptly responded by throwing a picture perfect 50 yard touchdown to Mike Williams. No offense to Doug Marrone, but why haven't we been playing our not godawful quarterback? Sure playing Paulus is interesting, but so is a guy skiing into a tree. Neither of them end up to well. Nassib will hopefully keep playing and get ready for next season when Paulus can't even make our team worse by sitting on the bench in an unskillful way. In other news, Syracuse still lost by 21 points, allowed 34 points for the third time in a row, and most likely will not be doing the whole bowl thing at the end of the year. Whatever...[sniff]...bowl games are stupid anyway. We don't need them.

Hey, did anyone happen to see the Broncos-Patriots game on Sunday? No I'm not going to gloat about our obviously superior team and our incredible overtime victory and the fact that your defensive backs couldn't find a football in a stack of footballs. No, I won't mention any of those things. I'm more concerned with the Broncos throwback jerseys. You saw it near the top of the page. I'm obviously going to order a box of those suckers. I'm always short on rags to clean up vomit with in the dorm bathroom, and firestarters are a must-have for the holiday season. Apparently, though, they are a gateway through which we can peer into 1959 (careful, don't fall through it, 1959 was a rough year). Picture this: an upstart football team in a new league, trying to create a fearsome image that opponents would fear. They chose those uniforms because they could get them secondhand from the Tucson Copper Bowl College All-Star Game. True story. And, as if that wasn't enough, it is widely believed that the yellow color was an attempt to buy only one set of jerseys for both home and away. At least those vertically striped socks made the players look taller. And maybe some of the other teams thought they went to the wrong stadium because the Broncos looked like circus performers...or homeless people. Consequentially the other team would leave in search of the real team and end up forfeiting. Genius. But seriously, those jerseys are even worse than the Philadelphia Flying Swedes monstrosities.

You know what, for all of the apologies and boring stories, I think this post was a success. I put two hyperlinks in there, those make it look important. And look how long it is! You know what, forget what I said earlier. I don't apologize for it being late, calendars should revolve around me anyways. Tim's teams update-Cuse football falls to 2-4, the Twins get swept out of the playoffs quicker than you can say "You can never count out the Twins," and the Broncos improve to 5-0. I don't understand-every week every journalist who ever even thought about sports once is saying that the Broncos aren't for real. Well, here's a mini-tirade for you. We beat 3 teams who everyone thought sucked. One of them is 4-1 after beating the Ravens and the Steelers. The other two suck very much. But, we then beat the Cowboys, who everyone likes to say are good. Then, we beat the Patriots. Come on, now they're going to say that the Patriots aren't good this year. It seems that every team we beat seems to automatically get shunned by the media, instead of the Broncos getting some credit for having one of the best defenses in the league.

Ok, that's over with. Sorry for the sports focus this week, but you know me. Y'all come back real soon!

Friday, October 2, 2009

This week's blog is not going to be nearly as cohesive as my last two were. Both of them had some kind of theme that tied them together, but this one is just a bunch of random stuff that happened to me/I thought about over the weekend. Come to think of it, I was wrong just then. This will be exactly like the other posts. The only central theme this blog needs is myself and my awesomeness, which is not in short supply if I do say so myself.

However, all of you were almost spared the ordeal of having to read this yet again as I was almost jailed last Thursday. Ok not jailed, I was interrogated as a suspect in a slingshot incident based on the fact that both the perpetrator and I had orange sweatshirts on. At Syracuse. What are the chances? 1 in 2? 1 in 1 and a half? So the cops had pretty long odds on finding the actual wrongdoer but proceeded to talk to everyone on the top 4 floors of Booth who were wearing orange sweatshirts. Gotta admire determination like that. Still being able to do the good cop/THIS IS PROBABLE CAUSE!!! cop bit after interrogating 48 people in the space of an hour and a half. I can't decide whether this gives me confidence in the Syracuse police force or if I should be scared that they're looking for someone who "almost hit someone with a slingshot" when there are two guys robbing every college student in sight at knife/gunpoint. We'll call it an impasse.

Thinking about lawbreaking and justice and whatnot, a piece of an article I read last week comes to mind. It referred to the whole Jay Cutler-Josh McDaniels saga in Denver as McJay Gate. The name was jaw-droppingly stupid. I think enough is enough. There should be a law against using the word gate in the title of a scandal. It is so widespread that it is not even funny. Search suggestions when I typed in "gate scandal" on Yahoo (note: Watergate was the number 2 suggestion, just infuriating me more):
  • Gloria-Gate scandal-something to do with the president of the Philippines and expatriates of said country in the Middle East
  • Spy-Gate scandal-Bill Belichick stole defensive signs in football games from opposing coaches
  • Diploma-Gate-Iran's newly appointed Interior Minister was accused of having a forged doctoral degree
  • Monica-Gate-Bill Clinton is accused of having sex with an intern
  • China-Gate-Bill Clinton is accused of accepting large amounts of campaign contributions from the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which has strong Communist ties
The list goes on from there. Now let's look at where "gate" came from. The root is of course Watergate. Look at it. It's the second half of the name of a complex of buildings. It's not capitalized, it's not even hyphenated. I'll tell you what it is. It's an excuse to not be creative and to have a name for the headlines as soon as possible. Whatever happened to the pun? Bill Belichick spying on it the Patriot Act or something. Just don't keep slapping gate on the end of every fricking thing that goes wrong ever. Oh no, I just got a B on my math test. Exam-Gate! Give me a break.

Speaking of things that go horribly wrong, Syracuse faced South Florida in football this weekend. Tssss, burn! I have never seen 5 turnovers in 4 minutes of football. Never has my team made me cry and scream myself hoarse so many times in so short a time. At least we stayed competitive in the first half because of that. USF played down to our level, which was so low that it was past subterranean. It was somewhere in outerspace below the other side of the planet. They didn't run a play where they didn't turn the ball over until their third drive. But, when they started not giving us the ball, they scored fairly quickly and easily. Why couldn't our offense respond? I'll tell you.

Because Greg "Eskimo" Paulus sucks! I've gone through this all year. He had one good game against Northwestern, according to the stats. But anyone who has watched this guy can tell that he is not cut out to be a college quarterback. He was a point guard- doesn't that mean he should know when not to throw and when not to get sacked? He doesn't run well at all, despite his quickness. He doesn't find holes, isn't decisive on when he's going to take off, and his running style looks like someone told him he dropped a $100 bill on the ground. Either that or he's trying to sniff out a trail to the endzone. Sorry Greg, the only trail on the field is the 5 yard long crater that was formed when your body was driven into the ground by the four 300 pound defensive lineman who were chasing you. Wow, I didn't think it was possible but I spent an entire paragraph bashing Greg "Is That USF Guy One of My Receivers" Paulus without once mentioning the fact that he threw 5 interceptions.

The bright spot of the game (yes there was only one) was a certain receiver named...well you probably know who he is already because he's the only guy who got the ball all game for Syracuse-Da'Mon Merkerson. No, I'm just kidding, it was Mike Williams. 13 catches, 186 yards, 2 touchdowns. Not only was he the only Orange player not named Ryan "Ulrich von" Liechtenstein to score, he was the only Orange player with more than 53 yards from scrimmage (rushing and receiving). He dominated so much that I was in disbelief that the Bulls wouldn't just undecuple cover him. For you non-Latin speakers, that means put all 11 defenders on him. Even so, Williams has his defects. How can one receiver do so much damage yet be so inconsistent? He's getting over 100 yards and 1 touchdown per game but he can't seem to catch the short ball. Oh well, Koren Robinson and Darrell Jackson made good livings in the NFL dropping most of the balls that came their way. Even if catching a football is what they are paid millions of dollars to do. Is the only thing they have to do. That's like...a chef giving someone salmonella half the time. I mean, that's ok, because if it was baseball, 50% of the time is unbelievably amazing.

I should get going soon, the Twins are playing and without me to root them on they aren't doing so well. That's right, 1 miraculous comeback later and the never say die Twins are in the running for the playoffs. Don't laugh at me if they lose after I write this, I'm just happy they've done so well so far. That means you, Yankees fans. Just because you guys clinched a playoff spot like 5 games into the season doesn't mean you're better than us. Ok, maybe it does, but we try harder.

End note: My Broncos are 4-0. Where have all the critics gone? Oh wait, they're still here, saying we're like the worst 4-0 team ever. Well, that's still a lot better than the Super Bowl defending champions (Steelers, 2-2) and the runner up (Cardinals, 1-2) and the team with the best record in the league last year (Titans, 0-4). So until we lose, shut up basically every football journalist ever.