Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Gosh it's Wednesday again. That's the day we've all come to associate this blog with I think. I could come up with a list of completely BS reasons why I keep posting late (which I will):
  • I want you to build up the blog in your head because of all of the anticipation, disappoint you when it's not as good as it should be, and study the range of emotional reactions that I see. It's all part of a psychology experiment I've been undertaking ever since the age of 5. Surprise!
  • Tuesdays are Dinosaur Stampede Day here in my's hard to think with the stegosauruses and triceratops running down the hallways.
  • I've recently created a new religion, which celebrates the birth of Chester A. Arthur, requires all members to sport amazing facial hair, and takes a sabbath on each Tuesday. No work on those days.
I'm fairly sure most of those reasons have a base in reality (psychologists, dinosaurs, and Chester A. Arthur have all existed at some point or another), but you all probably don't care about lateness of posts. Other than the two of the awesomest people I know who continuously remind me that they check this every day even though I only post once per week. Well, it means a lot to me that they do that. So thanks. And thanks to everyone else who checks it even once each week.

I am officially out of material when it comes to my main staple, college basketball. As you may know, or not if you live in a cave or Iowa or something, the college basketball men's and women's championships were this week. We saw Butler vs. Duke and Stanford vs. Connecticut. And by we saw Stanford vs. Connecticut, I mean to say that we know that the Stanford and Connecticut women's basketball teams saw Stanford vs. Connecticut. Just for old time's sake, and for my sake as well, I'll just jot down some thoughts to carry me through a basketball-less 7 or so months.

Duke is officially the whitest team in the history of everything. Sure, they have players from other races. But what they have that other teams do not is Kyle Singler. Seriously, looking at this guy is like looking at the surface of the sun.

Good looking guy. Compare him to Butler's best player, Gordon Hayward.

I know, I see it too. Looks like he's 12. In this case, whiteness overcame youth and Duke took home the 61-59 victory. Man I hate those guys.

In the case of the women's championship, I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you who won had I not seen SportsCenter on in the dining hall (sorria to the person I was eating with for my lack of attention). Well, here's what I found out. UConn came in to the game with a 77 game winning streak. That's like 2 1/2 seasons. No losses. And what's more, nobody even lost to them by single digits this year. That's not even fair. Well, this night would change that. Stanford came in looking to win. And UConn helped with the fact that from 17 minutes left in the first half to 7 minutes left in the half (a 1o minute period in the game), they scored a grand total of 0 points. 0. They missed 16 shots in a row. I don't think I've done that in my basketball career. With stats like that, the winner of the game should be obvious. UConn wins 53-47. Wait, did I just type that? Yes, UConn went through 1/4 of the game not scoring a single point. Ice cold from the field. And won. How screwed up is women's basketball? A friend put it best: "They should call the women's tournament the UConn Invitational."

As some of you may know, I've been enrolled in a ballroom dance class this semester. I know, pretty awesome, right? So I thought I'd conclude by imparting some knowledge onto all of you in terms of what some of the dances actually are.
  • Foxtrot: It's like, if a fox could dance, it would probably dance like this.
  • Chacha: Just move your hips around a lot and jerk your head around every time you change direction.
  • Rumba: The guys stand there and "showcase their partner" (aka let her do all the work)
  • Merengue: As long as you keep doing steps in groups of 8, you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want
  • Waltz: Who knows? I skipped dance twice and this is what they went over both times. It is also the dance "randomly" assigned to me for the final exam.
  • Swing: Twirl the girl, twirl yourself, repeat.
  • Salsa: Not so tasty unless you bring tortilla chips.
Happy International Beaver Day! And remember, always chew away from you when eating trees, we don't need anyone to have a tree fall on them.

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