I'm going to get the basketball out of the way while it's fresh in my mind. Providence invoked the "Nobody Misses 35-foot 3-Pointers Against Syracuse" Rule repeatedly in the first half. Those guys really could not miss. However, Syracuse kind of couldn't either. Despite them making 10 3's in the first half from a combined distance of about 3 miles away, we were only down 5 at the half. Providence would've been beating the Boston Celtics the way they were playing. Scary good. Come the second half, though, things changed. After they made one more shot from out of state. Wait, they played in Rhode Island, so the entire state is contained in the halfcourt of the Providence basketball arena. Haha because Rhode Island is wicked small, right? Whatever, the point is that Cuse went on a couple of gigundo runs to take control. Rick Jackson was doing this (with his eyes closed, mind you):

And Jim Boeheim was doing this:

Because, speaking of that young man in the above picture, he was involved in another contest of athleticism on Thursday. Against those guys we really don't like too much. Whose mascot is a made up word. Or, after checking dictionary.com, it may be a word after all. Check this out.
any shrubby climbing plant of the genus Hoya, of the milkweed family, esp. the wax plant, H. carnosa, a pot plant with waxy white flowers.
On a slightly less sports-like note, there has finally been someone who sees the glass as half-full. This awful period for the economy has been but one positive opinion away from being just "A break from that whole 'making money' nonsense." Well, finally somebody sees the light. In this man's eyes, the stock market is just resting. The housing market is planning its homecoming parade. Unemployment is the best thing that could happen to a person. Who is this mystery man? The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, surely. If not that, a leading economist with the government's ear must be making these claims. Guess again. The savior of public opinion, the master of all things economic, is football coach Andy Reid. Upon releasing running back Brian Westbrook, he said the following:
"We're giving him the opportunity...to maximize his ability to go and get another job."
Just think about that for a second. Done? Ok. This is hands down one of the stupidest things that I have ever heard in my entire life. So Andy is doing Westbrook this huge favor. Westbrook really really wanted to get a job in addition to the whole starting for the Philadelphia Eagles thing, and now thanks to the Eagles he won't have so many pesky practices and games in the way when trying to work out his new work schedule at the 7-11. Couldn't have done it without you Andy Reid!
For those of you who know me, prepare to get to know me better. For those of you who don't, prepare to get weirded out. So I have some unfortunate habits when I sleep. You name it, I do it. In the past I have sleepwalked, snored up something fierce, ground my teeth, drooled enough saliva to float a battleship, slept with my eyes open, and, most frequently, sleeptalked. I have had conversations with my brother when he comes into the room after I have fallen asleep. I refer to actual events that will take place in ways that make absolutely no sense. Here is the one pre-college quote I can recall.
"Me and [my brother] are working together so all you people on the right better watch out!"
This was the day before my first day on the job at a snack bar with my brother. Now that I'm at college, I have an awesome roommate who seems to never ever go to sleep. So he has taken it upon himself to record my sleeptalks. Not counting all of the times he has either forgotten what I said or misplaced his post-it notes, I have a line of 7 notes of mini-conversations I have had while asleep or pretty much 99% unconscious. I'll just give some highlights, a lot of them are pretty dumb, much like what I say when I'm awake.
"I do not see one from here. Then again, I don't have glasses on. Over."
"Wonder? Wonder? I thought wind never won websites!"
"[Roommate's name], you can use my water bottle to get some water if you want."
And finally, a real conversation this week:
Me: "Do you think induction nights are for young people?"
Roommate: "What?"
Me: "I think [friend's name] is planning for something."
Roommate: "What?"
Me: "Dammit why am I talking to you about this?"
Roommate: "It's ok because I'm cool."
Me: "That's true."
So the conclusions we can draw from this:
- I have impeccable grammar
- I have a flair for alliteration
- I am extremely generous
- I am paranoid
Sorry, I know this is starting to get extremely long, but I have one special request for those of you who have gotten this far. Tuesday is my birthday. I'm not asking for presents, but ideas. I'm going to be pretty close to the court at the St. John's game and would like to make a sign including some of the following:
- It's my birthday (3/2)
- Kris Joseph and his number (32)
- Throw me a shoe
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