1. Northeastern Men's Basketball Team.
And here's a picture of them:

Wow. I read that back and its a bit harsh. My bad. But what's done is done, it's not like I can go back and change what I just wrote. I apologize, you know who you are. You were just really upset that you had to wait an extra 24 hours to read this masterpiece and I am frustrated with my forthcoming lack of material due to the *sniff sniff* end of the Syracuse basketball season. But that's not what we're here to talk about. I'd much rather not write anything about it and pretend that it never happened. Instead, let's talk about the best holiday since Thanksgiving.
Easter? No. Passover? Not quite. I'm talking about National Orange Day. Last Wednesday was the glorious day of the year when the best color ever invented finally gets its due. At least, that's the theory. In reality, the execution wasn't quite there. I started the day strong with an orange collared shirt that I wore to work. That was just a warm up. I followed it up with the main attraction: plain orange sweatshirt, orange t-shirt, and yes, I wore my pumpkin pants. I walked out of my dorm with pride, only to be slapped in the face by an endless tide of blues, reds, chartreuses, burnt siennas, and whatever other frigging colors those darn college students are wearing these days. I walked into my first class. 35 kids. 3 wearing orange (including me). The teacher walks in wearing all black. Terrific. A funeral atmosphere for the death of my favorite color. Second class: 75 kids. I was literally the ONLY one wearing orange. What college do we go to? Syracuse. Syracuse what? Saltine Warriors? Dragon Slayers? Swashbuckling Armadillos? No. The Syracuse Orange. Is it too much to ask to wear that color one day out of the year? Because if it is you could become a Cornell Big Red or a Delaware Blue Hen for all I care.
On a lighter note, I did get to attend the NCAA Regionals in Syracuse last weekend. I have to tell you, they weren't so much fun when I was sitting in a mob of Cornell fans during the West Virginia-Washington game. But, halftime of Kentucky-Cornell was very entertaining. A 75 year old Washington fan (who had lost already) was complaining to an usher about those darn kids who were standing in front of him during the game. God forbid that Ivy League fans get excited when their team does well for once. So one of the aforementioned ne'er do well youths went to plead his case, which the old-timer did not take to so kindly. And I quote:
Old Guy- Nobody's talking to you! I'll punch you right in the face!
Now, someone threatening a kid whose age is 25% of his is a pretty good halftime show. But it got better. A well-meaning West Virginia fan (age ~50) decided to get in on the shenanigans. He yelled "Get a life pal!" about 15 times before the other guy realized. And he had a killer response:
Old guy- I'll punch you right in the face! [and later] I hope you lose too!
And here I was thinking that going to a basketball game by myself was not going to be as fun. Although I have to admit, you can't scream at the top of your lungs at the people next to you if they are a 5 year old on one side and a 70 year old lady on the other. And they don't respond to chest bumps as well as college kids do. Or earthquake-inducing high fives. Kind of makes me appreciate the people who would go to games with me. So if you are out there and at one point put up with me yelling "KJ!" every time Kris Joseph touched the ball, thank you.
I think that's enough for one day. But I feel the need to put a list in here as I so love to do. In honor of the upcoming Sylvester Stallone/Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. I will come up with 5 movies that I'd rather see.
- Terminator 5, starring Jimmy Stewart as the Terminator and Danny DeVito as John Connor's great uncle, where Danny DeVito's character is continuously attacked by the new model of the Terminator, a happy-go-lucky song and dance kind of robot
- Nicholas Sparks' newest novel-movie, One Last Kiss, starring Hayden Christensen and Megan Fox as two young, beautiful people suck at acting, fall in love, fall out of love, and fall back in love, only to realize that nobody around them actually cares
- Rocky X, where X = whatever number Rocky movie they're on now, starring Sylvester Stallone as a boxer who loses, trains really hard, wins, and yells Yo Adrian!
- Whatever Twilight, Moonlight, Skylight I don't even know what's going on in that series. But whatever it is, it would be better than Sylvester and Ah-nold.
- Tropic Thunder. 'Nuff said.